Study support measures
Below is a brief description of the most common types of pedagogical support. Any support is recommended based on the student's individual needs; therefore students may be offered types of support other than those listed here. A student may have more than one type of pedagogical support and the support is always free for the student.
Support offered by the University is strictly related to the studies. The university is not responsible for personal aids such as wheelchairs, hearing aids, technical aids for communicating or specially designed computer programs. Housing support or private support - for example, assistance with personal hygiene, eating or undressing – is also not provided by the University.
Course literature as audio books
If you need your course literature as audio books, look no further than the library at the University of Skövde. There, our librarian staff will help you with applying for an online account with the Agency for Available Media (MTM). Once you receive your login information, you can download and read audio books yourself in the way that suits you best: on your computer, mobile or tablet.
You are entitled to literature as audio books even without having a documented disability if you feel that you have a reading reduction, for example if you read very slowly or have difficulty concentrating on the content. On the Legimus website you can read more about who has the right to borrow speech books. Contact the library at the University of Skövde ( for more information.
Adaptation to a written exam
If necessary, it is possible to have an extended examination time, sit in a smaller group or use a computer. The content of the examination cannot be changed, but there may be opportunities to change the procedure. Occasionally, alternative forms of examination may also be recommended, for example oral examination or division of exams into multiple smaller parts. Planning and implementation of alternative forms of examinations always includes consultation with the coordinator and examiner. Ultimately, the examiner must decide on the best form of examination for a given situation.
Note-taking support
If your disability prevents your ability to write notes during lectures, the university may provide a reliable classmate with a small monetary allowance in exchange for providing you written documentation of the lecture. Read more about note-taking support.
Those with neuropsychiatric or mental disabilities may be granted a mentor. The mentor can help you practice your skills in planning and organizing the studies, and may be tasked with interpreting and emphasizing the institution's expectations for your study assignments. The mentor is usually another student.
Sign language interpreter
Contact the coordinator well in advance before the beginning of the semester, but at the latest when registering for your programme, if you need a sign language interpreter.
Licences for software
All students can download Stava Rex, Spellright and/or TorTalk to their own computers. Contact a coordinator for targeted study support to get more information and to receive an activation code. The programs are also available on the university's student computers. Please bring your own headphones if you wish to use speech synthesis.
Published: 3/10/2020
Coordinator for Students with Disabilities
Annica Löf
Telephone: +46 (0) 500-448077
Virpi Westin
Telephone: +46 (0) 500-448096