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Note-taking Support

A student with a disability may be eligible for support from a note supporter – a fellow student studying the same course as the students in question. The note supporter is compensated financially for his work.

According to the Discrimination Act (2008:567), universities and colleges are required to act against discrimination and promote equal opportunities regardless of gender, gender identity, ethnic origin, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation, or age.

A tolerant and including study environment

Targeted Pedagogical Support

A disability is individual and affects the study situation in various ways. A requirement for receiving targeted pedagogical support is that the student can provide documentation of a lasting disability.

Each student applying for support is offered a personal meeting with the coordinator for targeted pedagogical support to discuss the student's needs for such support.

A student with a disability may be eligible for support from a note-taker. Note-taking support is provided by a fellow student who is studying the same course as the student in question. The student is primarily responsible for requesting note support in their course.

Responsibilities of a Note-taker

As a note-taker, you share the notes you take for yourself. It is up to you whether you write by hand or on a computer, or if you want to transcribe them. There are no specific requirements other than that you are expected to attend most lectures.

The student who is granted support is also expected to attend in order to have access to the notes.

Note-taking support is granted for live lectures and live lectures online but not for recorded lectures (except in specific cases, for which you will receive information). Some note-takers choose to write notes in a Google document that they share directly with the student(s). Others email the notes after the lecture. If you write by hand, you can scan the notes using the university's copiers or with a scanning app, such as the Office Lens app, and then send it as an email.

Every assignment starts with the coordinator emailing the contact information for each individual assignment to you as a note-taker. The coordinator emails each individual assignment separately, even if you share notes with multiple students. You also need to handle each assignment separately. 


Good interpersonal skills are important. As a note-taker, you need to build trust and establish a good relationship. To facilitate for the student, it is good to provide the notes as soon as possible after a lecture.

Having support can be a sensitive task for the student, and you are not expected to disclose it to others. This means that, for example, you should not discuss the assignment in the classroom or in any way reveal your assignment in a manner that others can understand who it is about.

Review of Note-taking Support

The support may be subject to reassessment. If a student repeatedly fails to attend lectures, the need for note-taking support will be reconsidered.

Practical Matters for students giving note-support

Published: 7/18/2023

Note-taking Support in short

  1. Get assignments as note supporter
  2. Take notes during class
  3. Share the notes
  4. Get fee for the assignment

The student is responsible for requesting note-taking support. Both the recipient and the provider of the support are expected to attend the lectures.